
Category : Teaching Scuba Diving

The best is the enemy of the good

A short while ago I was asked to write a blog as a newly qualified Human Factors in Diving Instructor. We talked about a subject and all seemed ok. But try as I might, I just could not explain the topic as eloquently as I wanted. So, we had another chat and I tried a different theme. Same result. The problem was that no matter what I wrote, I just didn’t feel it matched up to what others had written. […]

Ibrahim's Open Water Course

Sink or Swim

Some of you may have seen on my Facebook page that I have been teaching an open water course. This is nothing unusual for me, my normal job consists of teaching all levels, from people’s first breaths in the water to technical diving courses. What has been different this time though is that I’ve been teaching a guy who only learnt to swim this year.